Upgrade your standard top cocking upper receiver with this side cocking upper receiver. It comes with a 9mm barrel and steel military spec picatinny rail. The rail height is available in two heights: 1/2″ (standard) and 1/4″. The rail height shown is 1/4″ and there is an additional $25 fee due to the customization of the rail height.
3D Lower Compatibility: We’ve tested this upper receiver on three 3D lower receivers (Mac N Cheese, Poison Sumac and Mac Daddy) and the following are our results: The lower receiver will need to be relieved on the bottom of the sheet metal so that the hammer will function appropriately regardless of which build one is using. We can do this for you free of charge, but be sure to tell us in the comments section when ordering. Additionally, the Poison Sumac and/or Mac Daddy will work with some modification to either the left side lower receiver or the charging bracket of the upper receiver.
NOTE: This product is just the upper and barrel with no bolt assembly, pictured with optional standard barrel and 1/4″ rail. This item is a special order item, please allow 2-4 weeks before shipping. We do NOT recommend shooting barrels with 1/2-28 threads exposed due to the thinness of the barrel wall at the 1/2-28 threads. Repeated firing with exposed threads may cause the barrel wall to weaken and/or split. We recommend always using shooting this barrel with a barrel accessory, such as a thread protector, flash hider, or suppressor firmly secured to the end of the barrel .