New and improved – Now reinforced with 2 steel plates for increased durability and rigidity. The PS/31 PS31 Zmag Adapter is a 3D printed adapter allows one to use Zmags in the 31 series of Lage Mfg. upper receivers. It is made of a carbon fiber PETG blend with a steel paddle magazine release and magazine release pin. It is made to be inserted into the upper and then allow for ease of use with standard Shockwave Zmags. This adapter may require fitting on the large square on the rear of the adapter as not all uppers have the same width groove. If the square is too tight for your mag well, simply file the sides until it fits snugly.
Note: Please be sure to watch the second video below if you are using brand new Zmags in the adapter. It demonstrates how to profile the magazine feed lips to work properly with the upper. Do not apply any forward, sideways or rearward pressure on the adapter. Do not hold the magazine or the adapter while shooting.
Videos below: